Smoking Area at DEN Airport

Check Smoking Area at Denver International Airport

DEN Airport Smoking Area

Denver International Airport (DEN) is a non-smoking facility. Smoking inside airport premises is strictly prohibited. However, there are a few designated smoking areas that are located outside of Jeppesen Terminal to accommodate smokers.

DEN Airport Smoking Zone

Here is a list of a few spots where you can head to, in case you want to smoke:

Smoking Zone at East Side of Jeppesen Terminal

Jeppesen Terminal East Side Smoking Zone
Zone Doors Level
1 Outside of doors 401 and 417 level 4
2 Outside of doors 501 and 517 level 5
3 Outside of doors 601 and 617 level 6

Smoking Zone at West Side Jeppesen Terminal

Jeppesen Terminal West Side Smoking Zone
Zone Doors Level
1 Outside of doors 400 and 416 level 4
2 Outside of doors 500 and 516 level 5
3 Outside of doors 616 level 6

Denver Airport Smoking Area Terminal A

Denver Airport is No smoking Zone so one have to take the train back to the Jeppesen Terminal and go outdoor smoking areas outside the terminal.

Denver Airport Smoking Area Terminal B

Smoking Zone is not anywhere inside the airport, designated smoking areas are present at, pre-security, outside Jeppesen Terminal.

Smoking Zone at DEN Plaza

The smoking point at DEN Plaza is located outside the south center doors of the terminal.